Attention Smart, Successful Woman!

Apply now to secure your invitation to our exclusive, advanced training on
The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want in less than a year…without obsessing about men, stressing about being perfect, hiding past patterns in romantic love, worrying about getting it wrong, running out of time, or feeling like you’re too late to feel peaceful and powerful in a relationship with your ideal partner.


We typically do this training live only TWICE each year for a curated group of smart, successful women committed to doing their inner work so they can have the relationship they want. Don’t miss your chance to watch the recording today. Apply today.



Have The Relationship You Want

In Less Than A Year

You’re a smart, successful woman who’s ready to have BOTH a great career AND a gorgeous committed relationship because settling for less than what you truly desire (and absolutely deserve in love) just isn’t cutting it anymore.

Join This 2-Hour Advanced Private Training To Discover The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want in less than a year.

In This Advanced Private Training, You’re Gonna Get Clear On How To Feel…

Calm in your body
“I don’t know what to do when my head starts spinning. I can lose days going over every little detail about my last interaction with a man and despair in my head for weeks.” - Jacki, 43 I get you.

There’s a simple framework you can use to quiet your mind, sit with your feelings, and move them through yourself in a matter of minutes, so you can feel calm and grounded in your body and ready to date and relate from a place of peace. I’ll explain it in the first 10 minutes of the training.

Confident in your abilities
“I’m clueless about how to focus my energy when I’m so filled with anxiety I could just crawl out of my skin. I need to know how to build my confidence so I can make decisions from a place of power, not panic. How exactly do you do that?” - Danette, 48

You practice mindfulness…in a very, very, very specific way. I’ll go over some methods that can help immediately, right after we go over the framework.

Connection to your voice
“I just don’t know what to say when I’m talking to a man I really like. I either do “verbal vomit” and say ALL THE THINGS, or, I just shut down and don’t say anything at all. How do I talk about my true thoughts and feelings in ways that create closeness instead of confusion??” - Kelly, 40

I hear you. The solution? You learn to speak in scripts. There’s a way to frame language so that you’re literally never at a loss for words and always know what to say in any situation. I’ll share some of the most powerful scripts at the training.

Clear about your worth
“I inevitably lose myself. I start dating a guy I like…hoping he’s “the one”...and I forget who I am, what I want, where I’m going, and what I need. I end up playing nice, taking crap, and settling for stuff that’s embarrassing to admit and I don't know how to stop that downward spiral. It happens EVERY TIME. Help!” - Beth, 39

I’ve got you. It’s simple…just not easy. There’s a way to get in touch with your worth and value that no one’s ever told you and I’ll share the strategy within the first hour of the training. Don’t miss it. It’s a central key to healthy relationship building.

Currency in your vibration

"I hate feeling lack, yet I feel it all the time. I’m always waiting, worrying, and going without. I’m constantly stressed about where the relationship is going and how long it’s going to take to get there. I feel poor…if that makes sense…like I’m taking crumbs and forfeiting my future. How do I turn that around?” - Keyanna, 36

You call in abundance. There’s a system of manifestation that actually shifts your energetic core away from poverty to wealth consciousness so that your aura literally feels dynamic instead of like a dead end. It’s about training your brain to think in richness, regularly, then get it. Ready to learn? Apply for access to the training.

Culture in your space

I let stuff go. I let so many things slide. From little digs, to big disappointments. I act like a really easy going, low maintenance woman and end up feeling RAGE at how I’m treated by men. I just agree to get along and then regret it. I'm literally a CEO by day and a doormat by night. It’s a pattern. It’s like my norm. How do I stop?” - Lauren, 50

You build better boundaries. There’s a way to create NEW norms and practices, ones that result in relationships that feel good and lift you up. I’ll share a little known secret about boundary building near the end of the training. Stay tuned until it's complete.

Courage in your decisions

“I’ve been in so many disappointing, dead end relationships, despite how fabulous I clearly am. So, I don’t trust myself in relationships . That’s basically it. I feel afraid of letting go of a couple of men from my past (even though I know they’re not good for me and are not going where I want to go). I keep holding on and lingering anyway. Entertaining pop up calls, texts, and visits when I get lonely and want something familiar. How do people move on with certainty and ZERO guilt or fear? Is that really possible?” - Tiffany, 44

Yes, it is. You just need the Gift of Goodbye. Closure is something you give yourself. I’ll walk you through the how, when, when, where, and why when we meet up for the advanced private training.

You can have the committed, fulfilling relationship you want, in less than a year.

You just need the curriculum, coaching, and community required to do the inner work that brings your future to you.

When You Know These 7 Steps AND EMBODY THEM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE You’re Positioned To Create Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want

After the advanced private training, you are eligible to go get the curriculum, coaching, and community required to make the steps stick. 

Breakthrough School™
Where smart, successful women do their inner work to have the relationship they want in less than a year.

Women who successfully complete the advanced private training are eligible to advance their application to be considered for acceptance into Breakthrough School™. This high-end, exclusive, 12-month group coaching program provides elite women like you with access to the cutting edge curriculum, coaching, and community required to change the game and up level your consciousness in life and love, for good so you can have the relationship you want, once and for all.


The Relationship You Want Is Waiting For You.

  • Put yourself first in your life and love story
  • Own your super powers in relationships with men
  • Show up as the fullest expression of yourself
  • Be 100% present with your friends and family
  • Feel comfortable being seen and heard authentically
  • Release emotional limits entirely
  • Enforce boundaries with incredible grace
  • Develop your interior constitution so that you know, and admire, all of who you are
  • Remain committed to confidence, calm, and ease in all of your connections with others
  • Trust yourself profoundly and unequivocally
  • Use your soul for its highest purpose: to make magic and miracles in the relationships that matter to you most
  • Feel comfortable and safe in your own skin
  • Respect all of your decisions and live life with no regrets Light up every room you enter with your energy

The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want in less than a year

Deeeeeeeeeep Down, you know that this is true:

You really don’t just want “a man.”

(That bar’s way too low for glorious you.)

You want MASTERY…of yourself. 

You want YOU…clear, confident, soft, and strong, the BEST version of you, the TOTAL embodiment of you...within a committed relationship.
Our epic love affair with YOURSELF leads to that rockstar relationship with YOUR SOUL MATE.



A high end relationship that lights you up from the outside/in only happens when you heal your soul from the inside/out.

YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for.

Ever wonder how some ambitious, driven women activate their power and finally have the relationship they want after YEARS of painful patterns that feel discouraging, confusing, embarrassing, and stressful?

Or...wonder how some high achieving women are so radiant with assurance and high self worth that they avoid painful relationship patterns altogether?


Here’s the key…they:

STOP focusing on men and START focusing on self mastery.

There’s a step-by-step process that helps high-achieving women from all over the world up level from the inside/out. When they take the steps, they wake up to their worth and personal power and dissolve painful relationship patterns, so those patterns stay in the past, where they belong.

Women who complete this process feel calm, not chaos.

Have clear vision, no more confusion.

Speak with strength and conviction, not self-doubt or second guessing.

They show up in the world with clean boundaries.

Soft and open on the outside while strong and certain on the inside.

They’re sure of who they are and what they deserve in life and love. Then, they get it

You can, too.

You can have the relationship you want.

Your desired future is closer than you think...

With over 30,000 smart, successful women in the Supreme Love Project community changing the game, I can say with confidence that this path forward works.

If you've ever found yourself wanting someone to meet you at the highest levels in a committed, fulfilling relationship, you can stop waiting.



The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want in less than a year

10 years ago I was high achieving woman creating SO MUCH success in my career AND crying myself to sleep most nights because I had no commitment in my corner.

No consistent communication from a man totally focused on me

No inside jokes, knowing glances, holding hands, gentle kisses, secret whispers, and long, strong holding hugs

No constant contact via calls, texts, dates, and dinners

No shared vacations or Valentines, no dancing, drinks, weekend trips, or cocktails with colleagues

No special moments of confidently meeting family and friendly

No proposals, declarations of devotion, or requests for more of the essence of me…my time, attention, laughter, and love

Instead, I was moving steadily up the ladder as a decorated professor at a Research I, global-impact university. I was publishing cutting edge research, speaking on high-impact stages all over the world, winning coveted awards, making lots of money, becoming a more sought after and renowned expert in my field with every passing year…


Attracting narcissistic, non-committal men who were emotionally unavailable to me. I played roller coaster, hide-and-go-seek games with some of them for YEARS.

They were EITHER routinely good on paper [tall, dark, and handsome, accomplished, powerful and popular] OR hopeless Peter Pan Men [fast talking dreamers, wanderers, floating and flittering through life with excuses and a string of "failures-to-launch"…using other people…mostly women…namely save them from their constant crash-and-burns]."

I did NOT understand how I could be so successful in life and stumble so desperately and embarrassing in love.

I felt confused.

I felt humiliated.

I felt sad.


Then, I felt FED UP.

I decided to STOP my painful relationship patterns and START discovering how to Choose Only Champions instead.

Once, I figured that out, I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and the better part of a decade to discover how to Create Commitment in life and love so that I could feel better.

I FINALLY wanted to FEEL:

Consistent Calm in my body…no more anxiety spirals or panic attacks about men

Total Confidence in my abilities…no more doubting my strength to take action in my own best interest as I date (and now thrive) in an amazing relationship

Deep Connection to my voice…no more stuttering, stammering, or silencing myself in those “high consequence” conversations

Absolute Clarity about my worth…no more questioning my value, accepting bad behavior from men, or trying tirelessly to “make it work” with men who aren’t worthy

Abundant Currency as my vibration…no more longing, chasing, or lunging forward in relationships, no more poverty, scarcity, taking crumbs, or settling for less than I want in love

Committed Culture within my space…no more uncertainty, inconsistency, casual, “maybe-one-day,” “let-me-think-about-it,” “I’m-just-not-ready” energy in my life or love story

Invincible Courage in my decisions so I have onward and upward actions in making forward leaps out of what doesn’t work and into the beauty of what does work in having the relationship I want

Now, I Do.
I feel all these things right now inside of an exclusive, committed relationship that I want, with a Top 1% Man who places me at the center of his world.

How’d It Happen?


The most efficient, effective, and satisfying way to have the relationship you want is to STOP THINKING ABOUT MEN. 


I know, I know. It sounds all wrong, maybe even impossible, but hear me out. 

Right now, you quietly believe that to have the relationship you want you’ve got to know what a man wants, needs, likes, and is interested in. 

You’ve got to know what turns him on, turns him off, and dissect his every move so you stay two steps ahead of him and in a position to win the relationship push and pull. 

You’re analyzing conversations, text messages, emails, voicemails, all kinds of gestures, facial expressions, silences, and disappearing acts.

Listen to me.

The one belief that you’ve got to focus on (and figure out) men is the single biggest bottleneck stopping you from having the relationship you want to compliment your amazing life.

It’s possible to eliminate male-centered obsessive thoughts and reactionary behaviors in dating and relating and still have top-tier, ideal, honorable, fun, loving, loyal, commit-minded men flowing into your life in droves. 

I know because my students and I are living it.


In Breakthrough School™

Where women do their inner work to have the relationship they want in less than a year.


Women who successfully complete the advanced private training are eligible to advance their application to be considered for acceptance into Breakthrough School™.

This exclusive, 12-month group coaching program provides elite women like you with access to the cutting edge curriculum, coaching, and community required to change the game and up level your consciousness in life and love, for good so you can have the relationship you want, once and for all.


Breakthrough School™

is the only group coaching program in the world that combines research based, Quantum Level Freedom Techniques™ that can up level your internal beliefs with methods, strategies, and systems that transform your external behaviors.


No more obsessing about men.
Instead, move into mastery…of yourself.
Because YOU are the center of gravity in your world.
And when YOU get and keep yourself, you can get and keep anything (and anyone) you want.

Imagine What It Will Feel Like When You Have…

Consistent  Calm in your body…no more anxiety spirals or panic attacks about men

Total Confidence in your abilities…no more doubting your strength to take action in your own best interest as you date (and now thrive) in an amazing relationship

Deep Connection to your voice…no more stuttering, stammering, or silencing yourself in those “high consequence” conversations

Absolute Clarity about your worth…no more questioning your value, accepting bad behavior from men, or trying tirelessly to “make it work” with men who aren’t worthy of your time

When you have…

Abundant Currency as your vibration…no more longing, chasing, or lunging forward in relationships, no more poverty, scarcity, taking crumbs, or settling for less than you want in love

Committed Culture within your space…no more uncertainty, inconsistency, casual, “maybe-one-day,” “let-me-think-about-it,” “I’m-just-not-ready” energy in your life or love story

Invincible  Courage in your decisions so you have onward and upward actions in making forward leaps out of what doesn’t work and into the beauty of what does work in having the relationship you want

When YOU ARE LITERALLY THIS superpower ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ Calling In Great Love And Thriving In A Great Relationship Becomes YOUR NEW NORMAL Without Exhausting, Unsustainable, Tricks And Gimmicks That Make You Feel Fake And Far Away From Dating And Relating That Lights You Up And Lifts Your Faith In Love.



Here’s What You’ll GET IMMEDIATELY In

Breakthrough School™

PREMIUM ACCESS to the Breakthrough School™ Curriculum (Value: $25,000)

36 pre-recorded coaching sessions featuring research based, results-driven soul-reset coaching

This coaching library features the little-known, exclusive tools, strategies, methods, systems, practices, and concepts required for smart, successful women to create a life that’s aligned with their highest power and love story that reflects the highest promise of the Divine


EXCLUSIVE TRAINING in 6 Supreme Love Healing Methodologies™ [SLHM] (Value: Priceless)

A quantum level FREEDOM technique to clear trauma bonds at the root so that your mind and body can be free from past attachments and spin of old, painful relationship patterns that don’t work

With your enrollment, you get an…

SLHM™ to Clear Anxiety
SLHM™ to Heal Invisibility
SLHM™ to Uproot Shame
SLHM™ to Eliminate Fear
SLHM™ to Remove Poverty
SLHM™ to Dissolve Regret

LIFETIME ACCESS to 6 Breakthrough Books™ (Value: $3000)

Action and accountability plans that document specific steps and success benchmarks as you advance your consciousness and up level your vibration for a healthy, fulfilling, committed relationship.


3 LIVE COACHING Sessions/Month on Zoom (Value: $50,000)

 Community Office Hours calls with Dr. Staples + the SLP Coaching Team where you can participate in real time Q&A, laser-focused coaching on the Breakthrough School™ curriculum and what you’re breaking through in life and love NOW

VIP ACCESS to the private Breakthrough School™ Facebook Group (Value: $10,000)

 Give updates, ask questions, share wins and get comment coaching from Dr. Staples + the SLP Coaching Team in real time This is where you get encouragement throughout the week and witness others’ transformative breakdowns and breakthroughs as you get stronger and smarter in life and love. It’s where you feel supported, connected, and co-create accountability to stay on track and up level your consciousness with other like-minded, soul-centered leaders in life and love as you evolve into the most POWERFUL version of yourself.


And…we’re not done….let’s get you some GIFTS that are proven to help you GET OUT of painful relationship patterns that don’t work, GET IN to a Supreme Self Love that lights you up from the inside/out, so you can GET MORE out of life and love than you ever thought possible.



BONUS: Holiday-Based Community Watch Parties where you can connect, in Zoom, with like minded, soul centered sisters + the SLP Coaching Team to watch select 2018-2020 Community Office Hours calls where Jeanine delivered transformational coaching on key concepts that can create immediate shifts in your identity as a leading lady in your life and love story…a woman who has the relationship she wants

BONUS: 3 Change Your Life Challenges to retrain your brain to think empowered thoughts and commit to empowered, fast action that takes you out of overwhelm, procrastination, and people pleasing, for good.

BONUS: Action & Accountability Plans to keep you moving forward, onward and upward as a LEADER in your life and love story, overcoming setbacks and hurtling over stumbling blocks in relationships with men, women, family, and friends, so that you trust your voice and make solid decisions, and create healthy boundaries that keep you safe, strong, respected, and supported from now on.

Here’s What We’ll DO TOGETHER 


Breakthrough School™ 

Embody the FEMME Framework™

 The foundation of the Supreme Love Healing Methodology™]. As we begin, you will FIRST learn the modality that anchors your power and enables you to come home to yourself as you heal from the inside out. This is where you learn how to know, like, love, and respect YOU, for real!

Practice Supreme Methods™ 

For Peace [these are simple, quick, powerful mindfulness techniques you’ve never heard of, yet they create calm in your mind and body quickly so free from anxiety and  insecurities that keep you spinning and stay grounded in your power at all times

Speak Supreme Language™

For Power [these are scripts to create deep connection in all your relationships so that you feel empowered to create intimacy [or eliminate intensity] with whomever you choose, whenever you want

Internalize Supreme Maps™ 

For Presence techniques to create captivating energy that draws the right people to you and clears anyone who is not aligned with your Highest Vision For Relationship out of the picture

Use Supreme Systems™

For Provision systems that create currency & CASH so that you draw in emotional and material wealth easily and feel super comfortable receiving more gifts, surprises, compliments, support, time, attention, and love

Establish Supreme Boundaries™

For Protection strategies that create confidence to say NO to what you don’t want and YES to what you do, so that you feel strong and solid in all your relationships, having the respect, honor, and intimacy you deserve without being defensive, fearful, inconsiderate, selfish, or rude

Create Supreme Closure™

For Promotion [steps that create completion energy all around you so that you say goodbye to depression, self sabotage, and procrastination that keep you stuck in painful relationship patterns that don’t work

When You Complete

Breakthrough School™

You Can Feel:

  • FREE from trauma bonds and painful relationship patterns that keep you stuck, sick, and settling in life and love with narcissists, dismissive avoidants, and fearful emotionally unavailable men who can’t commit so that you only align with honest, honoring, loving, loyal men who are emotionally available to partner with you in life and love
  • FOCUSED in a SUPREME self love that keeps you  grounded in your worth and value so that you are clear, calm, confident, connected, courageous, and captivating in life and love, easily saying NO to painful relationship patterns from your past and quickly saying YES to healthy ones that make you happy

  • FULFILLED in a passionate, peaceful relationship that lights you up and honors you for all that you are and all that you are becoming. Point. Blank. Period.

How Does This Truly Work?

Even If You’ve Tried Everything To Have 

A Healthy, Loving, Abundant, Safe, Strong Relationship With Yourself + An Ideal Partner In The Past?


It happens in phases. 

In Breakthrough School We Walk With You Through 3 Phases Of Emotional, Psychological, And Physical Transformation In Your Evolution As A Woman Who Stands In Her Power, Leads Her Life & Love Story With A Strong Spine + A Soft Heart, And Has The Relationship She Wants, In Less Than A Year

 In Breakthrough School™ You Will Learn How To…


Of painful relationship patterns that don’t work so you can stop the heartbreaking, painful patterns in relationships that keep you stuck, spinning, sick, and tired…slowly losing faith in yourself and that true love can ever happen for you. 

In the first quarter of Breakthrough School™ the curriculum, coaching, and community are designed to help you discover…

WHY powerful women like you so often chase avoidant, emotionally unavailable, or narcissistic men who can’t commit and how to shift this painful relationship pattern quickly.

HOW to identify your subconscious programming and emotional blocks that prevent the connection you desire…so you can eliminate them, once and for all…changing your internal beliefs and external behaviors, for good.


to a Supreme Self Love™ that’s rooted in unconditional, radical, all inclusive, deep-seated, irrevocably anchored AGAPE love for YOURSELF so that your authentic, embodied vibration rises UP in every way and you ONLY attract and connect with men [and friends] who know, like, trust, and adore you for exactly who you are (and who you are becoming), in all the ways.

In the second and third quarters of Breakthrough School™ the curriculum, coaching, and community are designed to help you discover…

WHEN to heal the old wounds that create fear, resistance, and ambivalence about experiencing intimacy and being vulnerable. [Hint: You do this when you’re feeling weak and worried, not when you're feeling great and growing!

WHERE to challenge your belief systems about who you are, who you’re supposed to be and what is possible for you. [Hint: You can only change your beliefs through your BODY, not your mind! Knowing where your limiting beliefs are located is key to lasting transformation.


out of your life and your love story than you ever imagined. Raising, and resting, your aura in a vibration of abundance, wealth, overflow, and “more than enough” in life and love. 

In the fourth quarter of Breakthrough School™ the curriculum, coaching, and community are designed to help you discover…

 WHAT it means to say no to what you don’t want, say yes to what you do want, raise your standards, increase your ask, anticipate happiness, health, wisdom, and wealth, and receive bigger, better love in deeply connected and enthusiastically committed relationships…beyond what you dare ask for, hope for, or imagine right now

Breakthrough School™ isn't your typical group coaching program where you feel lost and unsupported. There are elements of support built into every aspect of the program, and your team is dedicated to seeing you get strong, sustainable results. You will know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and WHY you’re doing it, every step of the way as you GET OUT, GET IN, and GET MORE.

Want to have the relationship you want, in

less than a year?

You can. 

First, become the woman of your wildest dreams. 

Then, call in connections that match your magic and miracle-working self with grace, ease, and consistency you can feel.

Breakthrough School™

IS For You, If You...  thumb


Breakthrough School™ 

is NOT for you if…  thumbdown

You’re smart and successful…with a side note.

You’re a smart, successful woman. You’re well read. Well traveled. You’re cultured and curious. You’re driven and have big dreams. You’re crushing goals in your career and in your  business….yet crashing and burning in romantic love. You’ve spent days, weeks, months, even years dating and relating with emotionally unavailable men who lead you on, and let you down, yet you can’t stop picking up when they call, obsessing about their (in)actions, and spending your time, money, faith, and focus on them even though you feel anxious, frustrated, disappointed, confused, angry, and stressed in relationship with them. You’re tired of settling for less….living and loving in lopsided ways that aren’t aligned with your Highest Self. Now, you’re ready to stop the spin and stabilize yourself to live & love exclusively at your Highest Levels.

You want to focus on YOU…for real. 

You know that interior life work is the key to your exterior life transformation…you don’t need to be convinced, or taught, that YOU are the common denominator in every relationship you’ve ever had and YOU are the solution to every painful relationship pattern you’ve ever suffered in. So, you’re excited about making the time to put yourself first (a few hours each week) so you can do the work required to have the relationship you want.

You’re God-centered…in dynamic ways. 

You’re already a prayerful, spiritual, mindful woman who has a faith system that comforts and guides you and you know that system is integral in building new internal beliefs you can feel and external behaviors you can see. And, you’re ready to learn how to go higher and have heavenly help in your relationship revolution.

You’re ready to invest in yourself at a high level. 

You already know that you get what you pay for. You’re clear that your money, faith, and focus need to be singularly aligned within a premium healing process in order for you to see real-life relationship results after doing the work of dissolving painful relationship patterns that have taken decades to establish.  Because you’re clear that the return on  your investment is a small fraction of the money, time, faith, and focus you’ll embody and actualize after you become the woman of your wildest dreams in the best relationship you’ve ever had.

You’re struggling and suffering…with a side note.

You’re financially struggling. Your career is questionable. Your purpose, vision, and drive are unclear. You’re wandering through life with no history of achievement, accomplishment, and success that you point to and feel proud of. You feel like your life is deeply lacking and your relationships are ruined. While we empathize with this state, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We’re focused on supporting smart, successful women who succeed in life, yet struggle in love.

You don't want to focus on YOU…for real. 

You’re committed to obsessing about your past, playing the victim, pointing the finger, talking incessantly about what “he said/she said”, staying stuck, defending your past, resisting your future, and focused on struggle and stress as a way of life and only culture in love. While we completely understand this tight tension, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We are actively dispelling the myth that you have to focus on men and past pain to have the relationship you want.

You’re God-phobic…in definite ways.

You’re angry at God, cursing Christ, and hating on the Holy Spirit. You don’t want to pray, meditate, chant, center, worship, breathe, and sit in silence, training your ear for the Wisdom of God in your relationships While we honor your choice and agency, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We build your foundation for a PHENOMENAL YOU on the Rock of Revelations that come from heaven.

You’re reluctant to invest in yourself at a high level. 

Your mindset is still stuck in shallow ground, quick fixes, and slick tricks that frustrate and disappoint you because they only provide immediate gratification in meeting men…yet don’t support you in transforming your beliefs and behaviors from the inside/out so you can call in higher love and build a healthy, happy, fulfilling, and fabulous relationship that can last a lifetime.  While we get the urgency you’re feeling, we’re focused on investing our money, time, faith, and focus in women focused on love that lasts. Please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™.

Breakthrough School™

IS For You, If You...  thumb

You’re smart and successful…with a side note.

You’re a smart, successful woman. You’re well read. Well traveled. You’re cultured and curious. You’re driven and have big dreams. You’re crushing goals in your career and in your  business….yet crashing and burning in romantic love. You’ve spent days, weeks, months, even years dating and relating with emotionally unavailable men who lead you on, and let you down, yet you can’t stop picking up when they call, obsessing about their (in)actions, and spending your time, money, faith, and focus on them even though you feel anxious, frustrated, disappointed, confused, angry, and stressed in relationship with them. You’re tired of settling for less….living and loving in lopsided ways that aren’t aligned with your Highest Self. Now, you’re ready to stop the spin and stabilize yourself to live & love exclusively at your Highest Levels.

You want to focus on YOU…for real. 

You know that interior life work is the key to your exterior life transformation…you don’t need to be convinced, or taught, that YOU are the common denominator in every relationship you’ve ever had and YOU are the solution to every painful relationship pattern you’ve ever suffered in. So, you’re excited about making the time to put yourself first (a few hours each week) so you can do the work required to have the relationship you want.

You’re God-centered…in dynamic ways. 

You’re already a prayerful, spiritual, mindful woman who has a faith system that comforts and guides you and you know that system is integral in building new internal beliefs you can feel and external behaviors you can see. And, you’re ready to learn how to go higher and have heavenly help in your relationship revolution.

You’re ready to invest in yourself at a high level. 

You already know that you get what you pay for. You’re clear that your money, faith, and focus need to be singularly aligned within a premium healing process in order for you to see real-life relationship results after doing the work of dissolving painful relationship patterns that have taken decades to establish.  Because you’re clear that the return on  your investment is a small fraction of the money, time, faith, and focus you’ll embody and actualize after you become the woman of your wildest dreams in the best relationship you’ve ever had.

Breakthrough School™ 

is NOT for you if…  thumbdown

You’re struggling and suffering…with a side note.

You’re financially struggling. Your career is questionable. Your purpose, vision, and drive are unclear. You’re wandering through life with no history of achievement, accomplishment, and success that you point to and feel proud of. You feel like your life is deeply lacking and your relationships are ruined. While we empathize with this state, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We’re focused on supporting smart, successful women who succeed in life, yet struggle in love.

You don't want to focus on YOU…for real. 

You’re committed to obsessing about your past, playing the victim, pointing the finger, talking incessantly about what “he said/she said”, staying stuck, defending your past, resisting your future, and focused on struggle and stress as a way of life and only culture in love. While we completely understand this tight tension, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We are actively dispelling the myth that you have to focus on men and past pain to have the relationship you want.

You’re God-phobic…in definite ways.

You’re angry at God, cursing Christ, and hating on the Holy Spirit. You don’t want to pray, meditate, chant, center, worship, breathe, and sit in silence, training your ear for the Wisdom of God in your relationships While we honor your choice and agency, please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™. We build your foundation for a PHENOMENAL YOU on the Rock of Revelations that come from heaven.

You’re reluctant to invest in yourself at a high level. 

Your mindset is still stuck in shallow ground, quick fixes, and slick tricks that frustrate and disappoint you because they only provide immediate gratification in meeting men…yet don’t support you in transforming your beliefs and behaviors from the inside/out so you can call in higher love and build a healthy, happy, fulfilling, and fabulous relationship that can last a lifetime.  While we get the urgency you’re feeling, we’re focused on investing our money, time, faith, and focus in women focused on love that lasts. Please do not apply for the live, private training that can lead to Breakthrough School™.

The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The Relationship You Want in less than a year

Still Wondering If 

Breakthrough School™ Can ACTUALLY 

Work For You? 

We get it.

We’ve been there.

Here’s what you need to know:

Learning to live in your Icon Instinct™ and Choose Only Champions in Breakthrough School™ works…

Even if you’ve attracted gaslighting, love bombing, double crossing narcissists in the past

Even if you’ve dated fearful avoidant men who won’t commit -

Even if you’ve dated liars, posers, cheaters, and ghosters who embarrassed you

Even if you’ve settled for YEARS in a mediocre man’s “Maybe Someday I’ll Be Ready For You Purgatory”

Even if you’ve been married to an undependable, disinterested, dismissive jerk

Even if you've bailed guys out of financial binds before and made excuses for their irresponsibility and immaturity 

Even if you've twisted yourself into a pretzel trying to win the Pick Me! Olympics ​with a man who’s awesome on paper yet awful in real life

...All while also clearly being a powerful, respected, beautiful, talented, and high achieving woman in all the other parts of our life. 

Breakthrough School™ is for you.

Dozens of high-impact, smart, successful women have turned on their Icon Instinct and created the relationships they want through Breakthrough School™.

First with themselves.

Then, with anyone they choose.

…even when love seemed hopeless for them and they felt destined to “never get it right” and “always feel late, lonely, and wrong” in love.

...even when they felt helpless to change the disappointing relationship patterns they thought they were stuck in.


It worked for me. It’s working for a multitude of other women. 

It can work for you too.


The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The 
Relationship You Want in less than a year

Breakthrough School™ IS For You, If You Are...

 So full of boss responsibilities, professional deadlines, company projects, and personal obligations that there’s lots of “ticking clock” anxiety to deal with and it keeps you in spin

 So sought after by men who can’t commit, drowning in dead end dates and roller coaster relationships, that you feel confused about how to communicate and connect at deeper levels in the conversations that can change everything.

 So focused on pushing ahead, pleasing the people, and performing with excellence to reach those gargantuan goals and check off that loooong to do list, that you have a lot of doubt about who you are and what you want outside of people’s opinions

 So successful and abundant in salaries, stocks, cash, and great credit that you’re stumped about how emotional wealth gets created and maintained to generate a healthy, easy, fun flow that lasts in the relationships that matter to you most

 So strong and accustomed to being everyone’s rock (because you’re dependable, resourceful, concerned, and kind), that you say yes to requests without considering your requirements for a good life and great love

 So sensitive and sweet inside of you that you leave a lot of room for confusion and loose ends outside of easily get stuck in the past or lost in the future leaving your present suspended and stagnant, so that you’re unable to move forward in life and love NOW

The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The 
Relationship You Want in less than a year

Oh! Before we go any further… you may be wondering…

How I’m

Qualified To

Coach You

Into Your


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Who Is Dr. Staples?

Tenured, Full Professor at a Research I, Global Impact University & Founder of the Supreme Love Project

Hey Rockstar!

I’m Jeanine Staples. I’m a smart, successful woman and I did my inner work so I could have the relationship I want, in less than a year.

BEFORE I invested in myself at the level required to make transformative shifts from the inside/out, I was already a miracle…

In my public life, I built an elite, high-end career, and world renowned identity as a leader at the highest levels of academia. I did it as a young, African American woman in an old-white-male-centered universe that was not built for me. In fact, I got tenure and was promoted to the top ranks in my field 15 years early! At the same time, I built a highly profitable business that put me at the top of the coaching industry and was surrounded by wonderful people, night and day. I was a POWERHOUSE in life.

Yet, even though I was fully being a miracle, I was also fully being a mess…

In my private life, I felt POVERTY and PAIN in love. I attracted codependent, narcissistic, dismissive, fearful, emotionally unavailable, and avoidant men who couldn’t commit [plus a few mean girls who couldn’t care. I was a people pleaser. I was constantly in the emotional chase, trying to prove that I was worthy of commitment.

In my private life, I felt POVERTY and PAIN in love. I attracted codependent, narcissistic, dismissive, fearful, emotionally unavailable, and avoidant men who couldn’t commit [plus a few mean girls who couldn’t care. I was a people pleaser. I was constantly in the emotional chase, trying to prove that I was worthy of commitment.

At the end of my rope and in a rock bottom moment of being duped again by a fast-talking, elusive, nonchalant guy [who was also a little bit nasty and rude], I made a quality decision to use my 20 years of academic training in women’s interior life evolutions to work…FOR ME.

STOPPED thinking about men and STARTED focusing on me in the specific and strategic ways I’ll coach you in Breakthrough School™ and changed the game.

I GOT OUT of painful relationship patterns that don’t work, GOT IN to a Supreme Self Love, and learned how to GET MORE out of life and love than I ever imagined.

Now, I don’t attract narcissists and avoidants anymore and I feel all the beautiful things I’ve always wanted to feel, inside of an exclusive, committed relationship that I want, with a Top 1% Man who places me at the center of his world.

Your turn!

Click the link below and let’s get to it! There’s no time to waste. You’re here for a reason. Let’s do this.

See what our breakthrough™ level

students are saying about working with us in our coaching programs:

“Thanks to doing SLHM frequently.”

Thanks to doing SLHM frequently, I am no longer concerned about my “ticking clock” when it comes to fertility.  So what if I am 39 years old!  There are available options for me such as egg freezing treatments as a potential next step. I don’t believe I would have trusted myself to even consider fertility evaluation without a man by my side prior to SLP. I am becoming a leader in my life and love story.

Thank you for this healing, Jeanine Staples

Margaux Howells

Age 39, Sales VP, Virginia, Washington

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“Excellent Guidance”

By doing FEMME, I was able to prevent feeling acute pain from learning about the unexpected demise of my mentor last week from turning into suffering.  In the past this would have resulted in a depressive episode that lasted weeks with little or no attention to my personal hygiene and not wanting to get out of bed.  I was able to make a Spirit decision to feel sadness about my loss on the physical plane and also recognize that there is no “death” in Heaven and that his legacy will continue through the people he mentored. I was able to see that this was a gift to me because I started researching going back to work at the hospital. Thank you for your excellent guidance and curriculum. It has been invaluable to me.

- Alexa Miller

Age 42, Doctor, Williamsport, VA

“So much gratitude & excitement.”

Thank You for helping me practice Authenticity, Intimacy, feeling my own space and Transparency and embracing All of Me and You on a Supreme Level.  So much gratitude and excitement to be walking this path with ALL of You Supremes! 

Martina Lewis

Age 42, Social Media Director, Phoenix, AZ

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“Calmness, sturdiness is growing”

It's all become clear I am not less because I am single without a man My worth is not tied to men I am free to chose and not waiting to be chosen

Asking for my needs is not a sign of weakness or neediness but it is strength "The burden of perfection is lifting The fear of failure and rejection is getting smaller Calmness, sturdiness, confidence is growing".

Louise Peters

Age 51, Advertising Executive, Portland, Oregon

“Incredible helpful & powerful”

"This is just what I needed. I am in joyful tears to see how I can breakthrough, for my voice IS the final authority. I will watch this several times and while on my walk later today, I will make my executive decision. Your ability to tap in to my FDOW parts and help articulate what is going on in my head is incredibly helpful and powerful. Thank you so much Jeanine."

Sofie Wilson

Age 49, IT Consultant, Silicon Valley, CA

“Evidence of my snowflakes”

I can accept that the breakthroughs above follow the breakdowns that brought me to this program. I know that I think, talk, and act differently because of the curriculum and that is generating new realities and abundance. I'm not always supreme, so still a mess and a miracle who needs practice. In Jan I felt defeated because I found a vision card from 20 years ago (!) with desires I had never manifested. I am more resourced now and know the breakthroughs above are earthly evidence of my snowflakes.

- Lucille smith

Age 36, Entrepreneur, Miami, FL

“Thank you Jeanine Staples”

"When fear rises, oh yes, I speak over it that there is nothing  my Holiness cannot do. I'm here to prove God and there is nothing too difficult for Him. I'm counting down to completing the purchase of my house on 29th October 2021.

My focus is on Abba Father because He is the one who provides. Before Breakthrough School, I thought there was no way possible to buy a property on my own and that I needed a man to buy jointly. In that moment, I made God small and man an idol. Thank you Jeanine for all the coaching in Breakthrough School to break out of that prison! It is not easy, yet the steps are simple and methods and tools are so clear. I literally made all this change by practicing them in seconds and minutes each day. I'm amazed."

Renee Johnson

Age 44, University Professor, Boston,MA

“I feel great”

Breakdown: I am the storm. Win :Before breakthrough school, when I'm feeling low  avoid the mirror not looking at me. I notice myself taking the courage to look into the mirror recently ‘when | don't feel like it at al. Gazing into the mirror the feelings that surfaced were unpleasant Yet it is liberating. No running away get to feel what I feel in that moment. Jeanine Staples

- Sue Williams

Age 55, Financial Planner, Vancouver BC


“Thank you Jeanine Staples”

I have done SLHM #1 twice and have felt instantly better each time.

I feel proud of myself for going through the videos for May again during Rest and Review week.

I will be listening to office hours again over the weekend.

Thank you Jeanine Staples for all of your wisdom and sharing it.

Samantha Scott

Age 35, Model, Los Angeles CA

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“Excellent Guidance”

I want to talk about SLHM. The experience was so elating, an uproar. It was a breakthrough. I was screaming and crying.  It was like a roller coaster ride of emotions and somatic sensations. I got tired and slept way earlier than I usually do.  The next day, I just felt so calm, relieved and safe. And then I started to notice and be more aware of my feelings and surroundings.  I have never felt so awake and present in my life!

- Lily Swanson

Age 48, Jewelry Designer, London, UK

“I'm Impressed”

I wanna talk about the amazing breakthrough that I've noticed in myself. I normally wake up with all this anxiety. In the past, I've woken up feeling overworked and anxious....gotta check this, gotta check that, gotta rush, you know? Oh, I hate it. And I've noticed over the last two weeks, I'm very much at peace. It's the methods that we practice. Those little bite sized methods that I never would have thought of, never would have known on my own. Now? I wake up and there's, like, very little anxiety. If any. I speak to people who try to infringe on my time very calmly. Very firmly. Having my own back. Staying clear. And I noticed myself not letting people's um, like energy affect me. I'm really keeping tight boundaries to my schedule. I just really noticed a different peace in me, in my energy these days. And I'm so thankful for that. Like I'm totally showing up in peace. It's amazing.

- Julia Davis

Age 38, VP for Communications, Beaumont, TX

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Breakthrough School™

Apply now to get a private invitation to our Advanced Private Training.


The 7 Steps For Creating Complete Commitment In The 
Relationship You Want in less than a year



What would it mean for your life-----your personal joy, peace, power, your self confidence, health and wealth, your total fulfillment, and deep satisfaction----to have the relationship you want with a perfect partner who places you at the center of his world? 

Let’s do the math.

How Much Is It Costing You To NOT Enroll In Breakthrough School™ Today And Learn The New Beliefs And Behaviors That FREE YOU From Painful Relationship Patterns That Don’t Work And Make You Miserable, SECURE YOU In A Supreme Self Love That Lights You Up, And UPLIFT YOU To Get More Out Of Life And Love Than You Ever Imagined?

Check Out This Probable Budget

Stuff You Buy That Doesn’t Get You The Relationship You Want

What The Stuff
Costs You

Clothes, shoes, and purses that make you look rich

BUT feel poor because they don’t provide the deep insights required to stop behaviors that keep you stuck, anxious, nervous, and defensive in wrong relationships 

$300-$500/month + feeling like a fabulous, fake failure in relationships 


Hair, nails, and makeup that make you look neat and pulled together 

BUT  feel messy and unkempt because they don’t fill you with information you need to confidently know exactly what to do and say in every relationship encounter you have

$150-$250/month + feeling like pretty performer in relationships 


Loans to that guy you’re currently dating, gifts for family, or covered tabs with friends that make you look easy going and generous

BUT  feel drained, used, bothered, and annoyed because those extensions of resources don’t support your truth or honor healthy boundaries you need to feel real and respected

$200-$800/month + feeling an angry attitude in relationships 


Girls trips 2-3 times a year that make you look creative, carefree, and casual 

BUT  feel lonely, lost, exhausted, and like you’re working hard to fill a void that’s festering at the pit of your stomach, all the time

$1500-$4000/quarter + feeling like a jealous jetsetter in relationships 



Stuff You Buy That Doesn’t Get You The Relationship You Want

Clothes, shoes, and purses that make you look rich

BUT feel poor because they don’t provide the deep insights required to stop behaviors that keep you stuck, anxious, nervous, and defensive in wrong relationships 

Hair, nails, and makeup that make you look neat and pulled together 

BUT  feel messy and unkempt because they don’t fill you with information you need to confidently know exactly what to do and say in every relationship encounter you have

Loans to that guy you’re currently dating, gifts for family, or covered tabs with friends that make you look easy going and generous

BUT  feel drained, used, bothered, and annoyed because those extensions of resources don’t support your truth or honor healthy boundaries you need to feel real and respected

Girls trips 2-3 times a year that make you look creative, carefree, and casual 

BUT  feel lonely, lost, exhausted, and like you’re working hard to fill a void that’s festering at the pit of your stomach, all the time

What The Stuff
Costs You

$300-$500/month + feeling like a fabulous, fake failure in relationships 


$150-$250/month + feeling like pretty performer in relationships 


$200-$800/month + feeling an angry attitude in relationships 


$1500-$4000/quarter + feeling like a jealous jetsetter in relationships 


Even on the low end, most strong single women, like you, spend at least... $2100/month... That's Almost $25,000/Year EVERY YEAR On Stuff You Don't Want And Don't Need To Impress People You May Not Even Like Very Much

If You Keep Wasting Money Like That For Another 25 Years [Even If You Skip A Few Years] You'll Spend More Than $500,000

And When It’s All Said And Done? 

You’ll STILL Feel Fake And Lost AND Not Have The Relationship You Want. 


Don’t waste your money, time, faith, and focus, presenting yourself as happy and healthy outside, yet losing faith and fortitude inside… suffering with heartbreaking ideas like:

It’s too late for you
You’ll never figure it all out
Maybe you’re cursed in relationships
All the good men are taken
You’re fine on your own anyway  

And it’s simply not ultimately true.

Reallocating these funds that typically slip through the cracks of your life, or are spent on things that will not get you the relationship you want, so that you can put your health, happiness, wealth, and wisdom FIRST is the best investment you could ever make. 

You can’t afford NOT to enroll in Breakthrough School™.  NOT enrolling is way too expensive. It could cost you the life and love story of your dreams.

The Successes Women Typically Achieve When They Enroll In Breakthrough School™


How The Successes Pay You For The Rest Of Your Life

(Based on 25 years of sociological and anthropological research you can trust) 


Consistent Calm in your body…no more anxiety spirals or panic attacks about men

Total  Confidence in your abilities…no more doubting your strength to take action in your own best interest

Deep  Connection to your voice…no more stuttering, stammering, or silencing myself

Absolute  Clarity about your worth…no more questioning your value, accepting bad behavior from men, or trying tirelessly to “make it work” in relationships that are clearly not working

Committed  Committed Culture within your space…no more uncertainty, inconsistency, casual, maybe-one-day, let-me-think-about-it, I’m-just-not-ready energy in my life or love story

Invincible  Invincible Courage in your decisions and onward and upward actions in making forward leaps out of what doesn’t work and into the beauty of what does work in having the relationship you want

Women who have consistent calm are seen as leaders and promoted in careers and business more often, and at faster rates, than their counterparts. So, you usually make more money that potentially equals millions more dollars, over the lifespan rates, than their counterparts. So, you usually make more money that potentially equals millions more dollars, over the lifespan.

Women who have total confidence in their abilities are positioned to ask for more money, and get it with colleagues, clients, supervisors, family, friends, men, you name it.


Women who have deep connection to their voice experience more connected and fulfilling relationships in every area of their lives, increasing their circles of intimacy and trust across multiple areas.

Women who have absolute clarity about who they are and where they’re going…arrive at their dreams, in full self awareness, self possession, and self trust over and over again, for their entire life.


Women who have committed culture within their space i.e. healthy boundaries to protect and guide their energy] think more clearly, have higher self esteem, are respected and honored by others, and feel more pleasure and passion in relationships.



Women who have invincible courage in their decisions and actions in life and romantic love get more of what they want in relationships and have super happy counterparts too…meaning they make love that lasts.

The Successes Women Typically Achieve When They Enroll In Breakthrough School™

Consistent Calm in your body…no more anxiety spirals or panic attacks about men

Total  Confidence in your abilities…no more doubting your strength to take action in your own best interest

Deep  Connection to your voice…no more stuttering, stammering, or silencing myself

Absolute  Clarity about your worth…no more questioning your value, accepting bad behavior from men, or trying tirelessly to “make it work” in relationships that are clearly not working

Committed  Committed Culture within your space…no more uncertainty, inconsistency, casual, maybe-one-day, let-me-think-about-it, I’m-just-not-ready energy in my life or love story

Invincible  Invincible Courage in your decisions and onward and upward actions in making forward leaps out of what doesn’t work and into the beauty of what does work in having the relationship you want

How The Successes Pay You For The Rest Of Your Life

(Based on 25 years of sociological and anthropological research you can trust) 

Women who have consistent calm are seen as leaders and promoted in careers and business more often, and at faster rates, than their counterparts. So, you usually make more money that potentially equals millions more dollars, over the lifespan rates, than their counterparts. So, you usually make more money that potentially equals millions more dollars, over the lifespan.

Women who have total confidence in their abilities are positioned to ask for more money, and get it with colleagues, clients, supervisors, family, friends, men, you name it.

Women who have deep connection to their voice experience more connected and fulfilling relationships in every area of their lives, increasing their circles of intimacy and trust across multiple areas.

Women who have absolute clarity about who they are and where they’re going…arrive at their dreams, in full self awareness, self possession, and self trust over and over again, for their entire life.

Women who have committed culture within their space i.e. healthy boundaries to protect and guide their energy] think more clearly, have higher self esteem, are respected and honored by others, and feel more pleasure and passion in relationships.

Women who have invincible courage in their decisions and actions in life and romantic love get more of what they want in relationships and have super happy counterparts too…meaning they make love that lasts.

> See research from Forbes.

> See research from Yahoo Finance.
> See research from Harvard Business Review.
> See research from Meet Mindful.
> See research from Frontiers In Psychology.
> See research from Positive Psychology.
> See research from Psychology Today.

All Of These UP-LEVELS In Beliefs & Behaviors?

PRICELESS…You can’t put a price tag on being the woman of your wildest dreams. 

You can look back on your life, 10 years from now and feel a horrifying regret that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, when you don’t make the investments in yourself required to be the highest version of yourself and have the relationship you want. 

It’s Your Turn.

Let me show you how to do YOUR inner work 

so you can have the relationship you want, in less than a year.


See You On The Other Side.